Access SharePoint through Unified Access Gateway

This post describe the behavior when accessing SharePoint 2010 through Microsoft Unified Access Gateway (UAG). First you must have a site collection published through UAG. UAG have publishing templates for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) and SharePoint 2010. You… Continue Reading


HowTo: Create Directory Replication Links on Read Only Domain Controllers

After an update of our Corporate Firewall the Active Directory replication stuck. After some troubleshooting measures and reading tons of logs we found out that the RPC traffic wasn’t able to pass the firewall. This means that RODC’s are unable to… Continue Reading


Microsoft Volume Activation

Mit dem Erscheinen von Windows Vista hat Microsoft eine neue Form der Volumen Lizensierung eingeführt. In den Vorgängerversionen Windows XP und Windows Server 2003 bekam der Endkunde einen Volumen Datenträger der nur eine bestimmte Art von Lizenzschlüsseln erlaubte. Das Produkt musste… Continue Reading